Thursday 30 May 2013

At the Farm...A Country School

Tom (Year 3) and Jack (Year 5) go to Nobby State School.  There are only 2 classrooms at the school, one for PP-Yr2 and the other for Years 3-6.  Tom and Jack are in the same class.  There are 18 kids in this class, 5 kids in year 3 and 4 kids in year 4.  One teacher teaches the whole class.
Sam is in year 7.  He goes to Clifton State School.  This is a bigger school and there are 42 kids in year 7 split into 2 classes.  At Sam's school they have a paddock and cows and horses.  They learn to look after the animals and some of the extracurricular activities involve training and caring for the animals! 
This is Jack and Tom's school. 
The Year 3-6 classroom is through the windows of the building on stilts.

This is the PP-2 classroom - looks pretty much the same as a city classroom doesn't it.

And this is the Year 3-6 classroom

They are learning the solar system

This is one of their playgrounds...not much different to our playgrounds.

And they even have a school pool.


It is about 10km to Sam's school and about 13km to Jack and Tom's school.  They ride their bikes to the end of the driveway (about 1/2km) and then go on the school bus from there.
There is no canteen for lunches every day, but on Fridays they can buy an ice-cream.


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